Apply for inclusion in the electoral register

Have you not been registered as a resident in Norway within the last 10 years? In such case you must apply for inclusion in the electoral register.

Voters who have not been registered in the Central population register as resident in Norway during the last 10 years must apply for inclusion in the electoral register in their last Norwegian residential municipality.

Employees in the diplomatic or consular service and their households,
that have never been registered as resident in Norway, must apply for
registration on the electoral register in Oslo municipality.

How to apply

You can apply for registration in the electoral register at the same time as when voting; however, the application procedure varies according to whether you are voting in Norway or in a foreign country.

Voting in Norway

If you wish to vote in advance or vote on election day in Norway, you must notify the returning officer that you are not included in the electoral register because you have not lived in Norway during the last 10 years. The returning officer will help you to apply for inclusion in the electoral register.

Voting from another country

If you wish to vote at a returning officer in a foreign country, you must apply by signing the containing envelope used when voting from a foreign country.

If you vote by letter post and do not use the official containing envelope, you apply by completing the application for inclusion in the electoral register. You can also write on the envelope you are using as a containing envelope that you are applying for inclusion in the electoral register in the applicable municipality along with an affirmation that you are a Norwegian citizen.